• Mentee will receive training on how to become a DOT Specimen Collector and receive their certificate upon successful demonstration of the 5 mock competencies. (Online access) (Optional)
  • Mentee will be assisted to set up a lab-based toxicology account in order to perform drug screens services, this is also considered as the Mentee personal or house account. 
  • Mentee will receive TPAs information in order to set up as a collection site for TPAs such as (EScreen and FormFox). Establishments with TPAs, allows customer/donor referrals for urine drug test.
  • Mentee will get rightful scripts to ensure they're using the right verbiage when reaching out to TPAs
  • Mentee will receive 1 fingerprinting vendor to establish fingerprinting service. 
  • Mentee will receive 1 DNA service vendors to establish DNA services
  • Mentee will get assistance to ace their AABB accredited examination
  • Mentee will receive 1 phlebotomy service vendor resources to establish phlebotomy services.
  • Mentee will get CLIA application completion assistance. Approval of CLIA Application comes directly from the state department.
  • Mentee will receive 1 Gender Reveal vendor resource to establish Gender reveal services.
  • Mentee will receive marketing strategies training on how drug testing business is marketed to the right audience. 
  • Mentee will be connected to 1 women leader entrepreneurship program a nationwide leadership mentorship program sponsored by Wells-Fargo 
  • At the end each student will receive 3 (three) certificates of completion                          I. DOT SPECIMEN COLLECTOR II. DNA TRAINING COLLECTOR III. COMPLETION OF BUSINESS START UP PROGRAM 

$500.00 USD